Lenora schools

Mrs. Auriel earl

Lenora School & Child care center was founded on 6th June 2004. The founders myself Mrs.Auriel Earl & my sister Daphne Joseph had the inspiration to give back to our society what we gained in our childhood i.e., all round development of mind and body. Building a strong all round foundation for the students of Lenora who are the future of our society was our motto. Hence our motto “Tots of Today Future of Tomorrow”. We have worked hard to ensure that every student was equal in all aspects and gave equal opportunities through competitions in various fields, encouraging every child to participate and by doing so built their confidence. The Present and Ex-students of Lenora have proved us right as every lenoraite today is outstanding wherever they are and we are proud of them. Today we have grown to a Primary school with the aspiration of growing to a high school.